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Community Asset Vouchers (CAVs) are tradable vouchers on the Celo Blockchain. This guide will help you design and publish a CAV.

The essence of a CAV is to offer a contractual promise. As you create a CAV say called HUGS you would say 1 HUG is redeemable as payment by either by you or an association you represent for 1 hour of coaching. Another CAV called WAVE could be redeemable as payment for $10 USD of your shops vegetables. Some people will sell their CAVs while others will give them as gifts or exchange them in-kind.

The CAV's ultimate aim is community improvement. When planning it, listening to everyone that may be effected by it.

Here's the process for creating a CAV:

  • About you: : Who's the Issuer creating and publishing the CAV?
  • Naming & Purpose: What's your CAV's name and what can it be redeemed for?
  • Valuation & Amount: How much is the CAV worth and in what terms (e.g., USD or Eggs)? How many CAVs will you produce and what's their total worth?
  • Expiry: When do CAVs expire, and where are they renewed?
  • Customization: Any special features for your CAV?
  • Finalization: Here, you'll sign and publish your CAV on the blockchain.